Sunday, November 20, 2005

Your Space

I don't really like when people make crude jokes. That's one of the reasons I don't like Myspace. Most people who have Myspaces are idiots. Just because I say this, doesn't mean you need to get all offended. Notice I used the word "most", this means my generalization may not include you. Second, just because I think you're an idiot, it doesn't stop me from liking you. Back to crude jokes. By this I mean things like "I want to have your babies." This is supposed to be funny? I don't see the humor. Seeing as most of the people who use Myspace are about 12. I don't think kids having sex is all that funny. Myspaces rarely have any reading content. You really think I'm going to read the entire list of music that you like that lasts about a million years? I doubt it. I couldn't care less about your interests and favorite movies. Not very many people who have Myspaces can spell. I guess this can be accredited to the fact that no one on Myspace seems to read. And if they do read, it's books like Gossip Girl. Which can hardly even be counted as a book. And what's with the surveys and quizzes. You're an idiot if you think someone will actually read your answers and care. It's a fact, most people only care about themselves. So basically, your entire site only matters to you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with your statement. Myspace may be accounted for as a part of the dumbing down of the world 30% of kids in america do not get the proper education. But recently with Bushes no child left behind plan about only 1% of the kids who did not recieve a good education got one. Plus this plan is more trouble for teachers. Now let me pose this question. What is something that Bush did to help our country? good luck (i couldnt figure this one out)

8:04 PM  
Blogger The Deceiver said...

I don't think George Bush has anything to do with the idiots on Myspace...

8:11 PM  
Blogger The Deceiver said...

Plus, No Child Left Behind doesn't really affect the kids at our school because we go to private school.

8:14 PM  
Blogger The Deceiver said...

And an answer to your question, unfortunately, I do not know enough about the doings of George Bush to be very accurate, but 1% is still an improvement. You've got to remeber that there are a lot of children in the U.S.

8:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, good points all around. George Bush *is* a lone wolf who reads Gossip Girl while drinking 1% milk... :)

I too despise "MY SPACE" (a highlight of society's obsession with ego and rejection of Divinity, i believe), but, ranting, as I have found the hard way, does not save much of the world.
Well, maybe 1%... and that's already an improvement.

Shutting up,

9:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

umm steph just adding something about bush doesn't make you seem smarter.. no offence or anything but i dont recommend using it in further intellecual conversations :) and to you maria yea i have a myspace but i kinda agree with you... i just like the pretty backgrounds and colors :)

6:57 PM  

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