Happy New Year.

Everything has been going perfectly-- better than before at least. Time is now on my side, going by slowly but not too slowly. I'm beginning to adjust to changes and not stressing as much as I did before. After all, I can't control absolutely everything.
I'm not exactly sure that I have any New Year's resolutions, I probably don't. I've almost never been able to keep promises to myself.
hurray for maria!
I love you, you're awesome, etc, etc.
New Years Resol. : set a precedent of a plan that I create in my head, commit to, and ACCOMPLISH!
Ahhh sigh
Mashka, esli chestno, ya veru shto ti ludshe chem kto-libo vipolniaesh obeshaniya sebe... ved' ti stala gorazdo bolee obshitelnoi, bolee organizovanoi v shkole i tak dalee. Tak derjat! Ya toboi gorjus!!!
your post usually have content
and new years resolutions are hard
Your blogs are actual journals with intellectual content. I enjoy reading them anyway. Mine are just daily ramblings. Mostly to keep me distracted from myself.
happppyyyyy birthday MARIA!!!!:)
and i thought i had lost you pants today after the swim meet...haha the piece of them anyway....the string i broke off your pants haha..but i didnt...i got very sad because i thought i had lost the pants...but i didnt..haha...and...thats all
your quite scrumptious i must say;)
quote: i hate myspace. i don't have a myspace.
- as seen on xanga's l.u.duckling site...
oh and wait, did I forget to mention a certain rant on this very site??
look at her people! and she is considered "philosophical" .... of course, her musings are now proven to be purely theoretical.
shuttup. i don't even use it. it's just there. I haven't written in here for a while beacuse I've been too busy being nervous and preparing for tests and things of that nature. And I'm not "philosophical", I just complain a lot.
and is it going to be another year before you update? :)
congrats to that
self examination is key in finding a happy medium
if you so choose
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