Thursday, February 16, 2006


Here I am, highly caffeinated.

So many people at my school make judgments based upon clothing and physical appearance. I have maybe five people come up to me everyday and tell me what I'm wearing and sharing with me their opinions. I just want to scream in their faces "I DON'T FREAKING CARE!!" Clothing really doesn't matter much to me. I wear what I wear and I don't really think further than that. I don't seriously contemplate what I put on and after it's on I don't think about it at all. I had a girl come up to me today and say "Maria, you're wearing a brown shirt." Do you really need to tell me? What, I can't see for myself what the hell I'm wearing? I hate when people state the obvious.

I miss Puerto Rico. I'll live there one day, not forever, but for a little bit. I didn't like going with the class, they took us to the wrong places. It was dirty. When I was there at Christmas, it was so beautiful, so tropical. Everything tasted, looked, felt and smelled tropical. I want to go back and feel that again, feel like I'm part of nature. I feel so dirty in the city, surrounded by power plants and sidewalks. I want to be beautiful again. I want to be part of the Earth.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice picture
though i feel sick cause of that god damn conoli and half and half

yea, puerto rico with school smelled like urine

and i do hate how they're like, cammie ur in brown today and i'm like, yes i chose this outfit ALL BY MYSLEF.... i'm a big girl i know what i'm wearing


11:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hoho ho
estoy de acuerdo contigo chica.(notice I must disguise agreement in a foreign suit)
i went out to dinner (Sunday) with Friends (M&S) and we got 2 connolis, a tiramisu, and a chocolateeee moousse (Hahahaha that looks like mouse) ... after pizza and bruscetta of Course... and knee-ways, you are coming my friend so we better settle differences quick. squash those grapes of wrath, woman, and settle into CONTENTMent. erm, picture's worth a million words, goooodbye my love Goodbye.

11:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTF?! ilove how i cannot couldnot read the string of random words about 10-or-so times, what is wrong oh-dear-oh-dear

wanted to mention, sorry-i'd-forgotten... SHTI fdamn I FORGOT AGAIN!.... i'll remember wait...

11:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, it's that i got into an argumentativo-conflicto because i, quite forward and insinuating (insinuating sounds useful for sinning and my sinful purposes, and have not an inkling of what it formally specifies...) accused, also quite cooly, a friend of insulting me when saying that what I say is obvious. She said it wasn't an insult but i argued for it, (so hungry for insults was i, eh?) and it IS so sad to have the constant barrage of freaking OBVIATY (obviousness?) in our society because every day has this rhythm *what's up. how you doing. nothing. nothing much. you. same. nothing .* OVer and over to infinity adn beyond and even beyond that.

excuse me buddy (SORRY IS TOO OVERUSED IN THAT FUCKING ANNOYING SENSE...) for having ranted (God, people apologize for that INCEssantly and INSINCERELY)... BUt i seek to explain the inexplicable>>> i have just woken from 4-and-a-half-hours REST.

heartfelt and violent embraces (no not) but my thoughts to you in this not-so-difficult time

Love (or at least erm... *no-witty-pun=here*),

11:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh shame me forever more... i spelled "bruschetta" wrong.

11:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, where SHALL i get my fix??
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer's site is DOWN.

11:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i started THREE of those with "oh" and one with ho ho ho .... hheheheheheheheeh

7:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to completely honest yes I want to go to dinner but now that you have invited me I really dont want to go out of pity. I would rather go because i'm your friend not because you feel sorry.

7:06 AM  

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