Sunday, January 29, 2006


I read in the newspaper about a woman who assisted her son in committing suicide. Her son was 36, I think, and had just been diagnosed with MS. Not wanting to suffer for a long time, he decided to kill himself and asked his mother to help him. He drank a cocktail of medications, I guess, and while he was unconscious, his mother pulled a plastic bag over his head.

Question: Is what she did wrong? Is she a bad person?

On the one hand, she killed her own child. She committed a murder in a sense, even if it was concentual.

In his suicide note, her son wrote that bringing a child into the world is hard, but to help a child leave this world is even harder. Her child was suffering, he was going to suffer until he died. So, in a sense, what she did was selfless. Instead of keeping her child for herself, she killed him and "put him out of his misery". I asked my mother if she would be able to kill me if I were suffering, she just shook her head and looked like she was going to cry, "I don't even want to think about it."

My parents watched a movie (based on a true story) about the parents of a child with a rare disease that caused mental retardation and eventually death. The parents were set upon finding a way to save their child. Parents of children with the same disease told them what they were doing was selfish, the child was suffering, to let him die in peace. But they were set upon finding a cure. They studied medicine and eventually found a way of stopping the progression of the disease.

So, when the mother of the man with MS killed her son, was what she did wrong?

On a brighter note, I have since my last entry turned 15, have launched a vendetta against my History teacher, and have attempted to start a revolution.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

difficult difficult questions.
each person's situation cannot accurately be seen and analyzed adequately from the side. Or as my econ. teacher proclaims in a deep voice: hindsight is always 20/20.
(or is it? , i add)

I wish you luck with all reasonable and significant revolutions.

10:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a controversy
just like that case with the women in the coma, is it right to kill her and put her out of her misery or is it right to keep her alive, even if it imposes suffering

it's a toughy
let's just hope we ourself never need to make these decisions...

10:39 PM  

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