
Yesterday, after a particularly nasty row with my mother (one which including me throwing a glass bottle of apple juice out the car window), I realized that my life is way too nice. Apart from the occasional upset, I don't especially have any troubles to be dealt with. I don't ask for much -- I feel guilty when I do-- but what I do ask for, I usually get. I haven't been denied much in life. Not to say I live like some princess. My parents and I have lived in near poverty but I still never went hungry and always had presents for birthdays and New Years. To some extent, I've been spoiled. Thankfully, for myself and my parents, I haven't grown up under the impression that I can take advantage of the fact that my mama and papa are near saints.
I've been looking at random Blogs all day to try and get a feel for the whole Blog experience. Out of all the ones I've seen today this one has a great look to it. The photos are very striking from the first to the last, you have a great eye for things. I don't know if you ever thought of being a photographer but you seem to have an eye for it.
how are you? haven't talked in a while. Nice post, it was a good update on your life. Talk to you tommorow or see you on monday.
Thank you for your reply and for visiting my site. Taking a class is a very good idea; the biggest problem I ran across in my photography classes (requirement for the Visual Communication Course) was setting the F-stop and the Shutter speed on the camera. If you can master those setting to the point you don't even have to really think about them you can become one of the greats, no doubt. Good luck.
Маша, весна обязательно принесет радость в твое сердце. Не грусти.
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