Monday, October 31, 2005

Halloween & Маруся.

She bit me, scratched me, licked me and pushed me around. I've never been very good with kids. I'm not assertive enough. But she adores me nonetheless.

Inertia Creeps
Massive Attack

Recollect me darling, raise me to your lips.
Two unnourished egos, four rotating hips.
Hold on to me tightly; I'm a sliding scale
Can't endure, then you can't inhale.
Out of body experience interferes
And dreams of flying, I fit nearly
Surrounds me though I get lonely

Moving up slowly
Inertia keeps
She's moving up slowly
Moving up slowly
Inertia creeps

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Work. Work. Work.

Five cups of coffee, a coke, and a chocolate chip cookie are what kept me awake until this point. For five hours, I was running on caffeine alone.

I stupidly agreed to go to work again tomorrow.

Not complaining, though.

Okay, maybe I am.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

And We Will Make Memories.

"The thing is-- fear can't hurt you any more than a dream."
William Golding- Lord of the Flies

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Simple Pleasures?

"Oh, we could feel this way forever."

What makes people happy? Why is it so often money? Or stuff? Do you need to own something to be happy?

Why can't you just be happy knowing that you belong to something beautiful? This Earth, while it still is beautiful. We live in good times, we're young and we can do so much. Yet we choose to spend our time on petty things. We are not here for eternity, shouldn't we make our lives worthwhile?

How is owning a large house, a nice car, and a green lawn rewarding? Does that really make people happy? What kind of happiness does a person feel when he sees his car is bigger than the car of his neighbor? Is it happiness where one can hardly keep it to oneself, like love? A quiet pleasure? Or a condescending satisfaction with oneself, or rather, with one's possessions?

How often do you just look at the sky, and feel so overwhelmed with the happiness of being part of this beauty that you just laugh? How often do you see your face, your hands, your feet and ponder the exquisiteness of your body, faults included? When was the last time you considered your own imperfection to be a perfection all its own? We spend so much time meditating on the bad things that we completely forget there are good things as well.

"I thought I fell in love the other day..."

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Detox and No Pants.

Today I realized I have an addiction. I am addicted to music. It's not even because I like music all that much, putting on headphones blocks everything out for me and prevents my spazzing. It's for the safety of the public.

"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity."
Edgar Allan Poe

Thursday, October 13, 2005

My Empire Is Falling.

I'm going to scream.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

It's All About Me.

I'm not going to post here unless I feel I have something worth saying. Most of my posts will be about me, this is because I'm narcissistic.

My life isn't half as interesting as I think it is. I spend most of my time reading or daydreaming. A while ago, I got into photography; I went through a phase where I took pictures of anything and everything.

At one point, I fancied myself as a writer. I still do.

I dream of traveling, living a real life. I can't imagine having to spend my life in one place, having stability. It probably has to do with the fact that I've already moved so many times with my family. I've lived in the same place for about four years now. I've grown restless.

"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness."
Friedrich Nietzsche

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Hello, World.

After over a year of it, I just couldn't stand being a Xangan any longer.
So, consequently, here I am.