Not Me
Two years ago I unwittingly created an image for myself and now I'm beginning to regret it. It's not who I am. I'm realizing just how many people think they know me and actually don't. I'm not sad. I'm currently very content with myself, my family, my friends, and my place in life.
I'm not quiet and I'm not reserved, I just find I often have to restrain myself from talking so as not to upset anyone or make myself look bad. Sometimes I just don't feel I have much to say.
When I stand and look at my feet, it's not because I'm trying to hide that I'm upset, it's because I'm thinking about my own things rather than what's around me.
I don't smile constantly like a doofus, most of the time I allow my face to relax and this doesn't mean I'm upset. I just don't feel I need to smile. I'm serious a lot of the time.
At this point in time, I've more or less sorted out my priorities and feel that my life is steadying out and I hate to think that I'm thought of as a sad girl with a poor self-image.